Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Let Them Eat Cake

Yesterday, I posted a picture of me eating cake in my bathroom. Today, I have another one for you at the end of this post. You may be asking yourself, “Why are you doing this?” “Why is this so important to you?” Well, this past Sunday, at church, a man got up in front of the congregation to talk about his wife. Good choice of topic for Mother's Day. He talked about how wonderful his wife is, and how hard she works at being a wife and mother. He was spot on with his assessment. I know his wife and she is an amazing woman. He also told us about finding her, hiding from her kids and “eating cake in the bathroom.” She was a little embarrassed. Now, those of your who know me, and know who raised me, understand that I am no stranger to embarrassment (Laurel Ave. Junior/Senior Banquet Announcement, 1995, just saying). So, what's the point….

Well, the point is this: all to often we, as women, try so hard to portray ourselves as a “Super Woman.” We try to do all the things that the books, blogs, magazine articles, and woman’s study books say we should do. We try to be stylish. We try to look for interesting —yet healthy— recipes for our family. If we aren't focusing on that, we are trying to make sure we supply the most fun. We try to do everything, be everything, and enjoy everything, because after all, that is what everyone says we should do. We buy into the “Happily Ever After” theme. Why is this a problem?

This is a probem, because “Happily Ever After” is just a fantasy. Being a wife, mother, sister, friend, etc. has its moments of joy. It is wonderful, beautiful, and rewarding. However, it is not always fun and games. It is not always “Happily Ever After.” It is hard work and sometimes, a pain in the rear. When we always display a Super Woman facade, then the other women around us, our daughters included, are lead to believe that there is something wrong with them when this life thing is just no fun. Women that struggle to enjoy their baby screaming for 8-10 hours a day and feel guilty because they don't have that warm fuzzy feeling about being a mom. Women that struggle with work and taking care of their home and feel disappointed because they can't live up to their idea of the work they should be doing. Women that struggle to have friends and feel lonely because they do not know how to reach out to someone.

You see, we are afraid to share the real us to the world. We are afraid that someone might find out that sometimes we eat all the goodies in the house before anyone gets home, because we just don't want to share today. We are afraid that the “well-put-together” women will know that we ran around the house in our PJ's all day and did nothing. We are afraid that someone might find out we are not perfect.

Let me just start off by saying, “My name is Tracy, and I am not perfect.” In fact, I am far from perfect. I have thrown a 2 year old temper tantrum because my kids would not do what I wanted. I have disciplined them out of anger. I have horded snacks from my husband, because “I JUST WANT SOMETHING TO MYSELF.” I would guess that most of us out there have similar stories. Guess what??? I am here to tell you… that is OK. I am also here to tell you that you are among friends. The Bible tells us that “all have sinned,” (Romans 3:23). All of us have those days when we just need to get away for a while. All of us have those days when we just don't want to share. All of us have those days when we don't want to be mom.

So, to my friend, eat your cake in the bathroom. You enjoy it. Own that. Share it, because you never know who else out there needs to have someone say, “It is OK to hide from your family.” To other moms out there, it's OK to sometimes stay in your PJ's all day and do nothing. God told us to rest. When you do, let me know or someone else know. You never know who you are helping by sharing your embarrassing moments. You never know what mom out there is just waiting for someone to say “Honey, it is OK. We have all been there.” (Thank you, Judy Wilson, for rescuing me with that gem.)

So, bring on those pictures of you eating your goodies. Bring on those pictures of you in your Pj's with no makeup. Show off your REAL life.

I know that I will.

Gotta go. I have cake calling me.

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